Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Crazy With Nothing To Do

Like his 1968 pilgrimage to Rishikesh, John's four-month course of Primal Therapy in California may not have been spiritually rewarding in the long run, but it did produce a batch of new compositions of the highest quality.

During his stay from late April through early September, John recorded demos of new songs such as "Mother", "I Found Out", "Love", "God", "Well Well Well", "Look At Me", and "My Mummy's Dead". One such tape, from late July, contains several takes of "God", an unreleased song called "When A Boy Meets A Girl", and a "Poem Game" from Yoko.

Also possibly from the same period is a lengthy recording of John and Kyoko improvising songs and stories (some say it dates from the January 1970 Ålborg trip, but I find it unlikely John had a Rhythm Ace with him in Denmark).

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen those photos before -- I've always pictured John looking more like the Instant Karma period while he was recording POB, which of course would only be true if he kept cutting his hair to the nub. Once again, you amaze me.
